Local Explorer helps you to enable local file links in Chrome or Edge browser. Open local file links to hard disk, company's shared folders, mapped network drive directly in corporate website or local host site.
Local Explorer opens Windows Explorer when a local folder is clicked, or associated application when a file is clicked. For examples, click *.doc file to open MS Word, click *.avi file to open Windows Media Player, and so on...
Local Explorer can open files and folders on the local hard disk drives, network shares, mapped remote directories or Azure Active Directory environment.
The two most commonly used applications on your computer are your file browser and your web browser. Wouldn't it be great if they were both in one place?
C:\Users\my_user_name\Documents ("My Documents" folders)
\\\shared\local\folders\files (network drive)
W:\folder\ and W:\folder\file.doc (on webpages they're "file:///W:/folder/" and "file:///W:/folder/file.doc")
Extension will convert file/folder URLs detected in webpages into "localexplorer://" links and it will look like the image below. When you click these links they will be sent to "Integration Module" and then be opened in external softwares (Windows Explorer, MS Words, Media Player...)
Extension won't work unless this checkbox is checked
Download from here and install it like every other software.
Currently it works only on Windows, we would build Mac OSX and Linux version if we got high volume of requests.
For the people complain about anti-vir warnings, it was a FALSE POSITIVE. We rebuilt our Integration module, see this http://goo.gl/qDNGP7
SILENT INSTALL command line for the Integration module: LocalExplorer-Setup.exe /S
"Use Local Explorer to open folders" allows you to click folder links in webpages and open it in Windows Explorer.
"Enable threads for Ajax pages" will detect file links in dynamic webpages (same mechanism as Facebook).
Set the default path to the directory or webpage you want to open everytime Local Explorer browser button is clicked.
- We built this long ago for our in-house system, and now we publish it and it's free. If you found a problem, contact us at [email protected] before you post a negative review on Chrome Web Store.
- The extension started to support Unicode since version 2022.11.30. It works fine when the path or file name contains Unicode characters. Support Windows only, other OS versions are coming soon!